Mark and Margaret Back to Live in Africa

Our calling to move back to Africa is in line with God's character of revealing His itinerary for us one step at a time.

God told Abraham to "go to the land I will show you."(Gen. 12:1)  After his blinding encounter with Jesus, Paul was told to "get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do."  (Acts 9:6)

Now we believe He has called us to the next big next step -- moving back to Africa to establish Kingdom View.  Twelve years of ministry have given us a clear focus to help Africans understand their freedom and identity in Jesus.  This is the only way they can overcome economic dependency on the west, endemic corruption and a continuing influence of witchcraft. 

As usual, the implementation is totally beyond our means.  That gives confidence God is in it as we know He wants the glory.  We believe where God provides the vision, He provides the provision.  In faith, we are planning on returning to Uganda for a month on Sept. 7 to continue our discipling in person and to lay the groundwork for a move there by April 2015.

In the meantime, we are preparing our Dallas home for rental and seeing who God will provide to stand with us.  We trust God to assemble teams of prayer warriors, ministry boosters and financial partners (see chart below for specifics) to help the vision of Kingdom View become a reality.

We have land to build an "Aquila and Priscilla Missionary Home" (the circular banda #1 on the site plan) which would serve as our residence in Phase 1.  Our land also is sufficient for three guest bandas with two self-sustainable units each and a pavilion with kitchen for 150 people serving campus fellowships in Phase 2.  A fellowship center and guest house is Phase 3.  An adjoining two-thirds of an acre is needed for retreats and future expansion (funds needed now as land could be offered to other buyers).


Prayer Warriors
Ministry Boosters
Financial Partners
Email lists
Home Dessert Gatherings (Oct.)
$75,000 Priscilla & Aquilla Home
Monthly home prayer meetings 
Freedom Family Picnic
$82,000 additional land
Daily personal prayers
Pancake Breakfast
$125,000 pavilion and bandas
Weekly prayer conference call
Informal Restaurant Fundraisers (Monthly)
$600,000 fellowship/guesthouse

If you think God may be prompting you to use your spiritual gifts to be a part of this vision, please contact or call him at 214.912.2198.

Mark and Margaret Noblin