"Out of the Mud and Into Joy"


Sunset at Kingdom View

Remembering, Reflecting and Rejoicing at Kingdom View

Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. 2 Corinthians 3:17
What a great trip to Uganda! The month went by in a flash. As we drove up to Kingdom View the road was bad due to the rain. We started up the hill and the car was stuck in the mud. Quickly the staff moved into action carrying our luggage and bringing Margaret's Crocs, so she could walk uphill. Thank God the road improvements were completed during our stay and the drainage and erosion problems are solved.

Upon arrival at the compound, the house and pavilion looked better than before we left 13 months ago.

Elijah, a student we mentored,who is now working as an engineer for Uganda Roads, volunteered with an erosion plan. The comprehensive plan solved the drainage, water velocity downhill and stabilization down to the main road.(see pictures below)

Once we got settled we had visitors coming and going and it was like old times. Three couples recently got married during COVID and we couldn't wait to catch up with them. Each couple visited on a Saturday and spent the night. They participated in Saturday night activities and the students loved hearing about their experiences planning a wedding and helpful hints about navigating the culture. Each couple had different perspectives. One student mentioned, "it was so great to have people who were like us come back 'home' to share life with us. Most don't want to return to university."

We felt like our role was to encourage and appreciate the team. During our morning devotional some staff members shared their fears of dying at the beginning of the pandemic. It was surprising to hear this but wonderful to see the growth and confidence they had. Everyone stayed safe and no one got sick. 

As we walked around the compound we were reminded of different donors and how each person has made such a difference in the development of Kingdom View.

The staff expressed their gratitude for continuing to employ them during the pandemic. They did a great job maintaining Kingdom View.  We are grateful because many non-profits in Uganda closed down, but the Lord allowed us to persevere. God has done amazing things through all of you supporting The Rock.

With appreciation and joyful hearts,
Mark and Margaret

Recent Pictures From March and April 2021
New road with stone pitching and steps to control erosion and velocity of flow of water.
Chef Patrick, a bi-vocational pastor, teaching the team to make chicken lollipops to sell on Saturdays at movie night. One of the projects to generate income at Kingdom View.
View from the balcony of the ministry house as a fellowship group concludes their meeting. We love being a light on the hill for Jesus.
Morning devotionals with the staff at Kingdom View.  This has become a wonderful time of Bible study, discussion, prayer and sharing concerns.
Newlyweds Jesse and Pam Mugero sharing with students at Relationship Forum how to navigate planning a wedding and staying out of debt. We have a time for anonymous questions the students ask and put in a basket. Mark was reading one of the questions. Jesse is a lawyer and Pam is a business professional. Both of them recently published books. I read Pam's book recently called Running in Heels and I couldn't put it down.
Resty and Joseph visited us one weekend. They are newlyweds and we have known Joseph since 2005 when we first visited Kabale then later started a home in western Uganda. He later received a scholarship to Uganda Christian University from The Rock Outreach, graduated and went to work with a sub-contractor for Google. He also founded a ministry with a female friend who was a social worker to help teenage mothers. Resty and Joseph both have careers but also have a heart for ministering to the young girls needing encouragement, skills to start businesses, and a plan to support their children and return to their village communities.
We were so excited to meet Irene's husband, Wycliff. They recently got married and are delightful to be around. Irene served on our advisory committee while she was a student at UCU in Honors College. She has had a career in banking and accounting and is currently finishing her CPA. Wycliff is a commercial lawyer. Both are active in their local church in Kampala.
Mike Reid, our architect for Kingdom View and his wife Kris paid us a visit to see the new construction. The last time Mike was on site we were beginning the pavilion. He was so pleased to see his creative planning come to life. Both of them have worked for UCU. Kris is a doctor and has been teaching at the Medical School. It was a bittersweet time for them since they are leaving Uganda in June after living there many years. God blessed the ministry in so many ways by bringing the resources to develop Kingdom View.