Marching Around Jericho

Our board of The Rock Outreach is having its own Jericho experience as we move forward with plans for the Kingdom View Fellowship and Guest House.   This is an exciting new mission
Dan Mark and Margaret Kisumu
Dan Vick with Mark and Margaret Noblin
approach to address root spiritual issues holding back Africa.
Consider how Joshua's fighting men might have felt as they passively walked around the seemingly invincible fortress of Jericho for six days. How futile and foolish these challengers must have looked to the city's guards staring down at them from walls 25 feet high and 20 feet thick.
God directed Joshua to have his armed men walk around the city for six days behind seven priests carrying the ark of the LORD. On the seventh day they walked around seven times before the priests blew their horns and everyone else shouted. The walls then crashed and the city was overrun by the Israelites.
As improbable as it sounded, it worked because it was of the LORD who already had determined to hand the city over to the Israelites as their first conquest upon entering the Promised Land.
Our Rock board believes our Jericho moment has come in following God's lead to build the Kingdom View Fellowship and Guest House in Uganda.
We need $150,000 for Phase One which includes purchase of land. The land may not be available after July 5. It's a tall order, but we are affirmed in God's leading and sufficiency by the story of Jericho.

God will get all the glory for Kingdom View, just as He left no doubt the battle belonged to Him at Jericho.