Pouring Forth

My challenge to the African teenagers chosen to help lead teaching on identity and freedom in Jesus was concluding in the rural Northern Uganda classroom when the rain began. The metal roof made even the beginning sprinkle sound impressive. Then the sound of sheets of rain pounding on the roof in an all-out storm became overpowering.

Not wanting to go out in the downpour, Denis, one of the Ugandan adult leaders in the village established for children impacted by years of war, shouted that the kids should sing praises to God.

As the clouds continued to open up and thunder clapped, the Spirit also poured forth. The praise was elevated to a heavenly level with great passion, tears and joyful dancing.

Overwhelmed, I sensed a specific leading from the LORD. Then I prayed for confirmation of the leading. Then I responded in obedience by telling the students at the top of my lungs that God was opening the floodgates of heaven to pour His anointing upon them. Impossibly, the worship escalated.

As the storm subsided, we all left quietly, sobered by the presence of the LORD.

"This is a day these kids will never forget," said a leader.

Me neither.

Mark Noblin