
“The best leader is a great follower of Jesus” is the first tenet of our Rock Leadership Creed and the basis for upcoming leadership training we have been invited to provide to Honors College students at Uganda Christian University.
Team from previous Rock seminar for Honors College students

The concept of “followship” is not as familiar as the many teachings on leadership. It is similar to the “servant leadership” model but with perhaps more emphasis on following along with serving.

Followship is not leading from behind, but rather seeking God’s leading and following hard after Jesus. As we do, others follow us. The Bible tells us Saul failed as the first king of Israel because he impatiently acted on his own rather than following God’s directions. “But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him leader of his people, because you have not kept the Lord's command." (1 Sam 13:14)

Joseph, son of Jacob, is a great example of one who followed God at every step. As a result, he overcame being thrown in a well by his brothers and imprisoned due to false accusations to save his people and be second in power only to Pharaoh in Egypt.

Jesus also reminds us that without Him we can do nothing. (John 15:5)

Other key followship and leadership aspects which we will share with the Honors College students in three two-hour sessions on consecutive Sunday afternoons beginning May 24 are:

*  A leader leads by example. (1 Cor 4:16)

*  A leader does everything as if unto the Lord, not men. (Eph 6:7)
*  A leader serves rather than being served. (Matt 20:28)
*  A leader considers others more important than self. (Phil 2:3-4)
*  A leader prays without ceasing, giving thanks and inquiring upon the Lord.
  (1 Thess 5:17)

*  Without Jesus, we can do nothing; with Jesus we are more than conquerors.
  (John 15:5; 
Rom 8:37)

As always, we will make the training fun by dividing into teams with friendly competition for points based on attendance, timeliness, riddles, problem-solving exercises and team-building activities. All who faithfully attend will receive certificates and the team which collects the most points during the training will receive a special treat at the end.

Please pray God will make an eternal difference in the lives of the Honors College students to lead others by following hard after Him.

Blessings and prayers,

-- Mark and Margaret Noblin