As we prepare for the future we see a Kingdom View. God has much in store for us as we minister to the students and faculty on a one on one basis and we need your help. God loves for people to be involved in a personal way. At Kingdom View we believe that God provides specific gifts from a young age that can be used for Kingdom work that honors God. Won't you join in where God is already at work?
So often people arrive at Kingdom View and comment, " this is such a peaceful place, a safe place to share what you think and heal from past hurts." Isn't that what God is all about. He is the great restoration expert. We live in a world of conflict and challenges and seek peace. At Kingdom View there is a respite from the cares of the world that provides comfort. God want us to experience an abundant life that is free and peaceful filling our hearts with joy. At Kingdom View we strive to provide a place where through prayer, submission to God and unconditional love people who are searching to heal and find peace can find solace. We don't have all the answers but we can at least point people to God and the restoration He provides for all of us with struggles.
It is God's desire that we find peace and joy in our lives. As we continue in ministry to the students and staff of Uganda Christian University we pray others will join in to complete the vision with a pavilion, fire pit and safari tents for overnights. See the future plans we have for Kingdom View below and pray about how you might get involved. Contact us to share with your small group or church how they can be part of the ministry financially or by visiting us in Uganda at Kingdom View.
Proposed Pavilion |
Master Site Plan |
Proposed Fire Pit